


Featured Lifestyle: Rye NH Beach Neighborhoods

seaside houses

Rye NH Beach Neighborhoods are some of the most sought-after places to live in the Seacoast area. This salty little town has the longest stretch of NH coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Rye has a population of more than 5,000 residents and each one has their favorite patch of sand....from rocky Bass Beach and Sawyers Beach (epic surfing [...]

Featured Lifestyle: Dover Point, Dover NH

Dover Point NH

Is there anything more magical than peak autumn foliage in New England? This is when the beautiful Seacoast peninsula of Dover Point, Dover NH comes alive in brilliant bursts of color along its tidal waterways! Here, the Cocheco, Salmon Falls and Bellamy rivers flow to the Piscataqua, past Portsmouth Harbor and out to the Atlantic Ocean. [...]

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Tate & Foss SIR

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